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central oregon’s choice
for quality animal
chiropractic care.

Heal naturally. Live wild.

Chiropractic care restores ease and balance to the body.

At Wild Life Animal Chiropractic, we specialize in correcting the root cause of stress and imbalance in an animal’s body, rather than just treating a symptom. Animals that are balanced and operating without stress in their body are healthier, less prone to injury, and have higher overall performance.

a pain-free life

No one likes to see an animal in pain, particularly an animal who is part of the family. Chiropractic care uses a holistic approach and specific analysis to determine exactly where pain is coming from. By addressing the root cause of discomfort, animals are able to live, move and play at their highest ability.


Studies show that animals who receive regular chiropractic care are stronger, perform better, and are less prone to injury. Our clients love using chiropractic care to support their animal athletes, from canine agility training to equestrian eventing to competitive rodeo.

freedom TO MOVE

If you are like many in the Central Oregon area, you love not only the active outdoor lifestyle, but the company of your favorite four-legged family member along with you. Chiropractic care helps them thrive so they can run trails and climb mountains no matter their age.

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